Comments on: BBR Mailbag: Highest Percentage of Shots Being 3-Pointers NBA & ABA Basketball Statistics & History Mon, 21 Nov 2011 20:56:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Shawn Mon, 08 Nov 2010 22:13:40 +0000 Joe Hassett had more three point attempts than all but four teams, including the Jazz and Lakers combined. In 800 minutes.

By: Jason J Mon, 08 Nov 2010 18:44:15 +0000 Neil - I'd be interested to see the top guys in the 3 pointers shot per FGA AND free throws shot per FGA weighted season to season. I'm not sure how that would be determined since you'd need to define what is a high percentage of 3s and what is a high percentage of free throws. Arbitrary cut-offs like 4+ threes w/ 8+ FTAs are hugely dominated by player seasons from the last 6 years (and Allen Iverson):

I'd like to know how much is due to the simple change in play style that calls for more three pointers overall, how much is just specific players happen to play that way, and how much is due to the rule change that says, "If a guy has his hand on your hip at the three point line, that's a foul." Where it used to say, "If a guy has his hand on your hip at the three point line, tough tacos."
