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Layups: NBA Teams = Shakespeare’s Plays

Posted by Neil Paine on May 7, 2010

From What Would Oakley Do?, here's an entertaining look at this year's playoff teams from a Shakespearian perspective. And pretty insightful, too -- for instance, if any NBA team has ever looked like Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead, I'd say the Hawks last night were it.

3 Responses to “Layups: NBA Teams = Shakespeare’s Plays”

  1. CJ Says:

    Kobe as Hamlet! I wish I could have turned this in for finals.

  2. Ricardo Says:

    Mourning my soon to be swept Spurs here.

    On that subject, has Richard Jefferson really been the bust broadcasters say he's been? I have probably seen 40-50 games this year and it seemed that he'd played well on the whole, but logically he's not going to see the ball in SA the way he did in NJ. It seems like the mainstream hoops media thought Jefferson was just going to do what he did in NJ without missing a beat, as though the Spurs have so many scoring opportunities for somebody after Duncan, Parker, Ginobili, and Hill get their touches.

    If anything, the problem with the Jefferson acquisition was that it didn't seem to address a need.

  3. Brian Says:

    Methinks the blogger hath much time on his hands