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Layups: TrueHoop on End-of-Quarter Scorers

Posted by Neil Paine on March 27, 2009

TrueHoop's Henry Abbott was recently watching a Blazer game -- I know, so what else is new? -- and noticed that Rudy Fernandez has a special tendency to score in the final seconds of quarters, so he e-mailed NBA bettor extraordinaire Bob Voulgaris (who tracks an incredible amount of data about every game in a database) and asked him which players do the best in the closing sequences of a quarter. And this is what he came back with... It's a list of the guys who have scored the most in the final 24 seconds of any quarter this season.

One Response to “Layups: TrueHoop on End-of-Quarter Scorers”

  1. Ryan Says:

    Somebody that I'm sure would rule this on a historical list is Michael Jordan, he had an incredible knack in said situations.